Making God connections…

January 2017

Join the Happy Quest

Happy Quest small
What makes you happy?

You are endowed by the creator with certain inalienable rights…
life, liberty &
the pursuit of happiness.

It is OK to pursue HAPPINESS.

Sometimes God get's a bit of a bad rap. Here's how many think. God is good and holy. He wants us to be a good and holy. The way to be good and holy is to say no to all of the things that I naturally want to do. But the things that I naturally want to do are what makes me happy. So God must not want be to be happy.

Over my lifetime I have heard many teachings on joy. Usually it is taught that God is more interested in joy than happiness. Happiness is based upon happiness and joy is present through the tough times. There is some great truth in this teaching, but the assumption then is Christians have to just learn to suck it up and someday everything will work out. But if we are not careful we might think that God is against us being happy in the moment.

God wants you to be happy!
God knows what will bring true happiness because He is the creator.
Happiness is the goal of life and the essence of living.

Over the next several weeks we will embark on this life changing journey.
I want you to join me on this life journey.

Join us on Sundays at 10:45 to experience God's presence and learn the keys to happiness.

Check out this blog for the next 40 days.
We will explore happiness from other perspectives and determine how we can apply keys to our lives.
There will be a daily encouragement and action points to help you on your personal Happy Quest.
We will connect in prayer for God to change your circumstances and/or attitudes that will guarantee your happiness.

May the righteous be glad
and rejoice before God;
may they be happy and joyful.

The Holy Bible: New International Version (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 1984), Ps 68:3.